The Vineyard Champagne Delaunois D. & Fils

The house Delaunois D. & Fils owns five hectares of vineyard located only in Rilly-la-Montagne, in the "PREMIER CRU", shared between the three Champagne grape varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.

We work the vines and our wines with respect for nature and we make it a point of honor to produce for you, each year, quality wines.

In order to preserve the environment for our future but also for our children, we make every effort to obtain this year 2 Certifications:

  • HVE Certification, High Environmental Value
  • Sustainable Viticulture Certification
    examples of points are given below:
    • Control of inputs and their potential effects on health and the environment,
    • The preservation and development of terroirs, biodiversity and landscapes,
    • Responsible management of water, effluents, by-products and waste,
    • The energy and climate challenge.

The environmental certification of agricultural holdings responds to the need clearly expressed in the work of the Grenelle de l'environnement to recognize agricultural holdings engaged in particularly environmentally friendly approaches.

Because we must all act to protect our nature... For yesterday, for today and for tomorrow...

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